Showing posts with label Karachi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karachi. Show all posts

The Tense State Drive, Karachi 14 August 1947

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Despite a warning from a British CID of a plot to assassinate Jinnah during this ride, the program proceeded on schedule. Mountbatten joined Jinnah on this ride from Victoria Road till Government House. The ride was most tense when passing through a Hindu neighbourhood which had little to rejoice and where the plotters were supposed to act. On reaching Government House, Jinnah kept his hand on Mountbatten's thigh and remarked, 'Thank God I brought you back alive'. 'I brought you back alive' retorted Mountbatten. Later on it was learnt that one of the conspirators lost his nerve at the crucial time. Did someone say Advani?

The Pakistan Movement

Quaid-e-Azam at All-India Muslim League Lahore Session(March,1940)

Quaid-e-Azam is presiding over the Session

Quaid-e-Azam visit the Head Office of the City Muslim League,Kanpur,1941

Photograph during the All-India Muslim League Session at Lahore

Arrival in the city in March,1941

Quaid-e-Azam being taken in a huge procession on his arrival in the city in March,1941

Hoisting the flag of the All-India Muslim Students Fedreation Meeting,Kanpur

Addressing the meeting at Kanpur

Quaid-e-Azam with other Muslim leaders to attend the 29th Session of the All-India Muslim League at Allabad(1942)

Quaid-e-Azam shaking hands with Stafford Cripps at Delhi

In huge procession on his arrival at the All-India Muslim League Session(1942),Allabad

View of the procession at Allahbad

Addressing the Allahbad session

Jullander Railway Station where Quaid-e-Azam arrived to perform the opening ceremony of Islamia College(Nov,1942)

Punjab Muslim Federation,Jullundar.Mian Bashir Ahamad is reciting his poem

Quaid-e-Azam leading a procession in Delhi(1943)

With Fatima Jinnah on arrival at Quetta(July,1943)

Quaide-e-Azam leading a procession in Quetta(1943)

Proceeding to preside over a meeting of the Muslim Student federation,Quetta(1943)

Quaid-e-Azam with the tribal leaders at Quetta

Speaking after the Flag hoisting Ceremony,Quetta,1943

Addressing a meeting of Muslims at Bandra,Bombay(1943)

At tea party in his honour by Qazi Isa at his residence in Quetta

Quaid arriving to attend the 31st Annual Session of All-India Muslim League at Karachi, 1943

Gandhi and Jinnah - a study in contrasts

An extract from the book that riled India's Bharatiya Janata Party and led to the expulsion of its author Jaswant Singh, one of the foun...