On Pakistan - Burma relations (21 Jan 1948)

Reply to the Speech made by the Burmese Ambassador in Pakistan at the time
of presenting Credentials to the Quaid-i-Azam on 21st January, 1948

Your Excellency,

It gives me great pleasure to receive you today in your capacity as the first Ambassador of the Union of Burma to Pakistan.

Your Excellency is no stranger to us as you have already been here for some months as the High Commissioner for Burma. The leaders and the people of Burma are also no strangers to us as in the past, History had brought our destinies together. With the great changes that took place on 15th August, 1947, geography has also brought our future closely together as borders of Your Excellency’s great country are contiguous for hundreds of miles with the borders of Pakistan. As I had said in my message to the President of the Union of Burma, the attainment of complete independence by Your Excellency’s country on the fourth of this month gave us in Pakistan the greatest pleasure as it marked the culmination of a process which was initiated in this very subcontinent.

I have no doubt that as in the past, in future also the many bonds that exist between the Union of Burma and Pakistan will be strengthened to the mutual advantage of both countries. I hope that these two lands, both ancient in history but both on the road to a new and high destiny, will strive with-energy to establish a lasting era of progress and peace.

I welcome Your Excellency’s assurance to discharge your duties in such a manner as may best conduce to the lasting benefit of both peoples. I am glad to note that during your short term of office as High Commissioner in Pakistan you have received every assistance from Pakistan. I have no doubt that in the future also these good relations will continue and I assure you of our co-operation with your government.

On behalf of the government and people of Pakistan I once more extend to Your Excellency a most cordial welcome.

Pakistan Zindabad

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