Service before self (22nd Dec 1947)

Message to the Pakistan Scouts on 22nd December, 1947

Scouting can play a very vital role in forming the character of our youth, promoting their physical mental and spiritual development, and making them well disciplined, useful and good citizens.

If the real aim of the movement is to be achieved, scouts should learn to pay more than lip service to the scout laws and should not think that the scout movement is limited to going about in uniforms, scarves and badges for show. We are living in a far from perfect world. Despite the progress of civilization, the law of the jungle, unfortunately, still prevails. Might is considered right and the strong do not refrain from exploiting the weak. Self-advancement, greed and lust for power sway the conduct of the individuals as that of nations. If we are to build a safer, cleaner and happier world let us start with the individual –catch him young and inculcate in him the scout’s motto of service before self and purity in thought, word and deed. If our young people learn to befriend all, to help other people at all times, subordinate personal interest to the welfare of others, eschew violence of thought, word and action. I am sanguine that the attainment of universal brotherhood is possible and within our reach. So I wish you God speed.

Pakistan Zindabad

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