Quaid-e-Azam - Not a Maharaja!

The Quaid with Raja Sahib of Mahmudabad

Once Quaid-e-Azam stayed with the Raja of Mahmudabad in Butler Palace. During the lunch a servant stood as a waiter. Quaid-e-Azam was lost in his thoughts, and then seeing the man exclaimed: “What do you want”?. The servant explained that he was under orders to wait on him during the lunch. In the evening addressing the Raja of Mahmudabad Quaid-e-Azam said: “If your man stands over my head like that, I will be disturbed in my thoughs. I am an ordinary person of Bombay and not a Maharaja.” This provided good entertainment for the guests.

Gandhi and Jinnah - a study in contrasts

An extract from the book that riled India's Bharatiya Janata Party and led to the expulsion of its author Jaswant Singh, one of the foun...